Wednesday, March 14, 2012

a little more turkey...

Haggia Sophia was one of the coolest places I have ever been. I am obsessed with Istanbul.

The library in Ephasus

"What was that one place we went that had lots of pillars and antiquities and we took pictures jumping off of them?"

Oh yeah, that was pretty much everywhere we went. But this one is Pergamum.

The beautiful Lake of Nicea

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

First days in Turkey

beautiful SJ and I in front of the Blue Mosque

Our boat ride along the Bosphorus Strait 

Istanbul life jackets. We felt cool. Especially because we were on a ferry crossing Dardanelles on the way to Troy.

Outside our hotel in Canakkale

We are all obsessed with each other. Nothing is better than traveling with 82 of your best friends around Turkey.